Tuesday, 2 December 2014

And here came the Mayflower... a beacon to the World (that still shines).

And now some bits of History - with capital letters -. Actually, this is my favourite chapter of the Anglo-American History: The Mayflower and the Founding Father of the greatest nation the World has ever seen: the United States of America!

 Yes, whether you like it or not, you all must acknowledge that we all are studying the so-called "TICS" and stuff like Google Apps (Drive, Gmail, Scoop-it, Diigo, Edmondo and so on so forth) because the American made it up!

Despite all this top-notch technology that America garners, the American nation was charted founded by some 40 expatriates for reason of Religious beliefs and disagreement with the English Crown. They all were kicked out of England, lodged for some time by the Dutch and eventually cut down and shut out from civilization.

 They were forced to get on board a ship and cross the Ocean towards the wilderness. As soon as they got off ashore, they were compelled to start afresh as they were left none but their hand and their faith to the Lord.

They survived the first harsh weather conditions of New England winter thank to the native Americans (and hence what we still celebrate today as Thanksgiving Day). There is an old saying that we use to link with the American Dream which is "from rags to riches".

The great American History can easily be packed in those four words. Here below you can watch a magnificent video in the fashion of a comic strip or illustrated History that will give you some brushstokes of this breathtaking landmark of humanity.


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